return 2008, part III:
the start of phase I
planning for community development, planning and construction
Phase I of their work commenced initially at the community meeting in Huanchuy and continued at Huambacho el Arenal with the several modest donations of materials and supplies. As a first step and a show of good faith in that moment, they contributed enough paint to dress up the school along with several waste containers for the school and a laptop computer. All materials and supplies were purchased with their personal funds. Several days after they returned to the USA the school was painted and they received photographs of the finished work by e-mail.
Below - the Huanchuy school re-painted.
Upon their return to the US, they commenced forming PCD as a vehicle to their commitment to community development, in accord with their understanding of the original long term goals of the Peace Corps. They decided to work on small projects with personal funds as good first steps, and to seek out like minded individuals, not for profits and foundations to work in partnership with, while organizing the new not for profit corporation with the required certifications and approvals to function in the US as a 501(c)(3) public charity and as an NGO in Perú.
In addition to forming PCD, they sought out and started new relationships, while expanding existing ones with individuals and various groups in the US and Perú. Once home they expanded their activities in networking, partnering and fund-raising to support potential projects which has continued on two later visits to Perú in 2011 and to this day. Mutual interests and partnering on various potential projects as well as assistance with fund raising in the US were shared in detail with many colleagues, individuals and several organizations, such as Los Amigos of the Catholic church in Chimbote, the Rotary Club of Casma, the Delta Kappa Gamma Society of Illinois, Rotary clubs in the US, ARC Peace, the National Peace Corps Association and Estrategia a Peruvian NGO, to name a few.
Huanchuy 2008 - The villagers with the Madres and Padres de Familia
entering the Community Meeting to be held
with Bob and John and the teachers.